WOW!!! I just published my first book.

  I just achieved one of my goals in life. When I was five, I told my cousin that I would one day write a book. She was about ten years older and just smiled and said, “Sure you will Chad.” She was not being mean spirited or demeaning. She just did not understand how […]

The Path

I am on a mental journey after returning from Uganda. I have written a full report and will have it published here once it is edited. I know you will find it moving and encouraging.

Of Maggots and Men

“And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us…” Really? How is that when there is so much pain, suffering, and depravity in the world? How can that be when there are those that are consumed with pursuing happiness through success, things, or power?  While adjusting in the slums of the Karamajong people […]

Failure to Compose

My mind has been acting like a hamster’s wheel in trying to compose a blog post. I seem to be recycling the same five thoughts over and over. The thoughts are good ideas for articles. The problem is that the are incomplete, undigested, and unrefined. This often happens just before a waterfall of completion occurs. […]

Bernice’s Story

What a beautiful young girl. She has such a winning smile. You can tell she loves being alive. A friend nudges her, and she takes off running after her. She just received her first Chiropractic adjustment. Already her gait is different. I want to take a minute to pray for her and talk to God […]

I’m going to jail.

I am going to jail.  As difficult as it is to face the future at times, I feel a real peace with the prospects in front of me.  My actions have created this future.  I cannot deny that I am the one responsible for what is about to happen to me.  I cannot blame anyone […]


I was watching a BBC movie with Kate, where a bust was thrown off of a castle. We watched it fall dramatically to the ground where it shattered upon contact with the earth. That was the first scene in the movie. It took almost the entire movie to tell us whey the figure was tossed […]

Donate to the Epik Missions trips to Uganda and Ghana

  Please donate to the 2014 Epik Missions trips to Africa. I have been given an amazing opportunity this year to serve in the children’s prisons in Uganda. Last year I was only able to serve in one prison. This year I will be able to serve in six. These children are between the ages […]

Look what I found.

Look what I found. I was doing a search this morning about Epik Missions. I have lost a video clip from my first trip and I was hoping a quick search of the internet would bring it up. I didn’t find it (yet!). But I did come across an article that Bill Dolack wrote about […]