"Our entire quality of life is much better."
- Rebecca D.

“When I went in to see Dr. Chad the first time I was skeptical at best for several reasons that had nothing to do with him. However, I had sciatica pain for almost 20 years and if I didn’t get an adjustment at least every two weeks, I could hardly walk. I was also experiencing painful spasms in my back randomly as well as multiple other physical symptoms. I’ve been to many chiropractors throughout the years and I’ve never had anyone work on me the way Dr. Chad does. For the first time, since I was pregnant with my oldest child, I am pain free. I’ve truly never met a more caring, selfless chiropractor, yet it is his skill with the human body that astounds me. I have too many stories to tell about how it has impacted my entire family, but I will mention two; my son no longer has a pelvic tilt nor the horrible pain from it and my daughter has hope and is seeing change with scoliosis. Our entire quality of life is much better.”

"Dr. Hawk wants to get to the root cause of your problem."
- Becky P.

“Dr. Chad hawk is one of a kind chiropractor- his is not a practice where one size fits all.    No, it is tailor made just for you.  And best of all Dr. Hawk wants to get to the root cause of your problem.  I experienced many good outcomes over my six month program.  The scar tissue in my neck caused by a diving accident as a teenager as well as in my lower back completely disappeared.   Dr. Hawk helped my tachycardia – found out that the C2 in the neck is involved with that.  A big surprise for me was how he minimized how much I swayed and turned to the right when doing a squat- now I can engage the correct muscles when doing one. 

There is more but I will sum it up by saying that Dr. Hawk has a genuine concern to make a difference for me and increase my quality of life.  I feel completely safe under his care and highly recommend Dr.Hawk. I know you are in good hands.”

"Dr. Chad’s level of Chiropractic care I see
 as the whole package."
- BJ & Andrea P.

“Dr. Chad is a gift from God to BJ and I. We came to him knowing little about chiropractic care a few years ago and he has opened our minds in so many ways. Not only has he been an amazing Friend, a remarkable Doctor in continually caring for us, but also a strong Christian mentor in whom we can go to in all situations knowing we won’t be judged but loved on. Dr. Chad’s level of Chiropractic care I see as a whole package. Not someone you just go lay on the table, get adjusted, and leave, but the time he takes to help us figure out our ailments and confide in when we need instructed. I pray this year and many years to come that God Blesses him, his practice, and his family as much as he blesses others. We love you!”

There is more but I will sum it up by saying that Dr. Hawk has a genuine concern to make a difference for me and increase my quality of life.  I feel completely safe under his care and highly recommend Dr.Hawk. I know you are in good hands.”

"...in one nearly pain-free adjustment I was back to putting weight on my foot"
- Jesse L.

“Why does my ankle hurt so much? What if I broke it? I think I broke it. There’s no way this is going to get better with ONE adjustment. I’ll have to wear a cast! What about… Shoot! Drama! The stage manager can’t go around with a cane all day, they need a working stage manager! I’m supposed to clear the stage today! I’m doomed—she’ll fire me. I’m a goner, I’m gone, I’m dead, I can’t do drama. Ms. Cunningham will never let me, I mean, I can’t—Ow!”

– – –

My stream of consciousness that morning was not the most pleasant. Stressed and short on time the night before, I had made the mistake of running up stairs to retrieve a folder. As one could assume, I tripped; injuring my dorsal and plantar tendons. I was awake all night, fretting about how I wouldn’t be able to contribute to the Fall play with a broken ankle. The pain was tolerable, but there was no way in the world that I could focus on my job in the condition I was in. I was hopeless—I might as well have quit.

That was, until, I went to Chad’s office. I have to admit that I had my doubts. I thought initially that he would either refer me to an orthopedist, or it would take quite a few adjustments to fix. This wasn’t the case—in one nearly pain-free adjustment I was back to putting weight on my foot. I was able to walk around and do my job, and within a couple of days, I could go without my cane. Never again will I doubt the power of Dr. Hawk. Thanks for saving my position, and my leg!

"I feel as if I am ‘firing on all cylinders’ again"
- Shannon H.

“Two very specific experiences come to mind, when I think of how chiropractic care has helped me. For a couple of years, I experiences a heavy, foggy, hazy-like feeling in my head fairly constantly. This sensation made it quite difficult to focus and think clearly. It also made me crave sleep almost all the time, even though I was getting plenty of very restful sleep each night. I also used to be frustrated with how susceptible I was every minor illness (cold, flu, etc…) that came along. I’ve been getting adjusted at the Virginia Institute of Chiropractic (my first experience with any chiropractic care) two or three times each week for a little over a year now, and I think I’ve been sick once since I started with this consistent care. Also, I don’t crave sleep anymore, when I’ve gotten enough at night. And the heavy, foggy, hazy-like feeling is, for the most part, gone. Occasionally, (every 6-8 weeks or so), it will creep back in. But within minutes or even seconds sometimes after getting adjusted, the feeling disappears entirely, and I feel as if I am ‘firing on all cylinders’ again… clear, alert, and focused. These are two very specific examples. If I had to make one overall statement about how chiropractic care has affected my life I think I’d say, “I never knew how good I could feel on a regular basis until I started getting adjusted as often as possible.”

"We have Dr. Chad to thank for giving her her health (and happiness) back."
- Nicole L.

“My daughter Jessie started to experience severe stomach pain about 4 years ago. It started as a dull pain and over the course of several months progressed into a pain that was much more constant and severe. It didn’t seem to have any rhythm to it and my husband and I tried everything to determine the cause of her pain. We visited her primary care doctor in Colorado who examined her and told us to put her on birth control pills. He told us Jessie’s problem was ovarian cysts. Being desperate to end her pain she was placed on birth control pills at the age of 12. The pain only became worse as the months went by. We discontinued the pills and sought another Colorado doctor for his opinion. Once again, this doctor told us that it was more than likely ovarian cysts and birth control pills were our best option. He told us we just didn’t give them enough time to work. We did not, however, put her back on birth control pills.

We also ended up in the ER at Aspen Valley Hospital in Colorado on two separate occasions. Jessie could not even finish a day of fly fishing without telling me that the pain was back and was getting worse by the minute. By the time I rushed her to the ER she was once again screaming and in severe pain. The ER doctor gave her morphine and started a battery of tests. After spending 6 hours in the ER, we were told that it could possibly be her appendix or maybe ovarian cysts. We met with the on-call gynecologist who prescribed, you guessed it, birth control pills. The ER doctor stated that there was also a small possibility that her appendix was acting up and that could possibly be the problem. The doctor explained that the pain can come and go similar to what Jessie was experiencing.

Around that tie we moved to Charlottesville. We did not put her pack on birth control pills this time but instead opted to consult with a specialist at the University of Virginia. He recommended taking a look down her esophagus to determine if there was an ulcer. The procedure was scheduled for the following week. After the procedure the doctor told me that there was in fact a small tear in her stomach and her esophagus appeared red and irritated. We were given a small amount of medication for ulcers to patch and cure the tear and told she would be fine in no time.

Within weeks she was once again in the UVA ER with extreme pain. I found my daughter doubled over lying on her bathroom floor. She was nauseous and in extreme pain. I got her in the car and started to rush her to the ER. I didn’t make it very far and ended up calling an ambulance because her lips started turning blue and she was screaming in agony. In the ER they examined her and decided to do an MRI. They also told us that to the best of their knowledge it appeared to be an ovarian cyst. Once again we were told to put her on birth control pills and that should clear up the cyst issue.

By this time, of course, Jessie was become depressed and started to only eat small amounts of food at a time. She told us that it felt better when she ate nothing at all. She was now losing weight at an alarming rate and was becoming depressed

I decided to mention this to Dr. Chad Hawk and ask him what he thought our next step should be. My family had been seeing Dr. Chad for over a year now and I respected his opinion on medical issues. He had been adjusting all of the kids as well as my husband and me and we were duly impressed at how we felt after leaving his office. Our quality of life and health improved greatly since we started visiting his office. Chad examined Jessie and listened to her carefully explain what her symptoms were. He listened to her talk for about 15 minutes and then asked her to lay on the table for an adjustment. When Dr. Chad placed his fingers on my daughter’s stomach he said, “That’s where it hurts, right?”. She said yes.  He then turned his fingers in a half circle and adjusted her (what I later learned) Ileocecal valve.

Immediately pressure seemed to be relieved from Jessie’s stomach and I saw here with the widest smile. A smile that I hadn’t seen in years. After sitting in Chad’s office once again he explained what Jessie’s problem was and how we should manage it. He asked Jessie to come in for an adjustment every few days at first and then every week.

Having figures out Jessie’s issue would have pleased most doctors, but not Dr. Chad… he wanted to know why her valve was so inflamed and irritated. He ordered a blood test to determine if Jessie had any food allergies. The test came back about 10 days later and the results were mind boggling. Jessie had severe allergies to so many things that she consumed most every day. It was decided that she would go on a very strict diet and avoid any foods that she was severely, moderately, and even mildly allergic to. Dr. Hawk also ordered her liquid drops which would eliminate any metals in her body including but not limited to mercury. For 6 months Jessie followed this strict diet and received weekly adjustments from Chad.

Jessie’s blood work was re-tested in August of 2011. All of her allergies disappeared. The only food that she is now severely allergic to in cumin. I would love to share with anyone the before and after charts of Jessie’s allergies. Jessie no longer has any seasonal allergies or allergies towards horses. Jessie lives pain free and happy on a horse farm just outside Charlottesville. We have Dr. Chad to thank for giving her her health (and happiness) back.

This man is a gift from God.”

"My life would not be what is today if it had not been for your commitment to helping people set free from injury, disease, and pain."
- Mike D.

“I am thankful for your heart and dedication to the field of chiropractic. I know God promised me health and deliverance, but I could not believe to receive it. My life would not be what is today if it had not been for your commitment to helping people set free from injury, disease, and pain. You know some of my personal struggles resulting from my auto accident which left me enslaved to pain. I sought release from that prison, yet at every turn, I was told I would probably never improve, and would have to take pain medicine for the rest of my life. You were confident that you could help me, even though conventional doctors had already pronounced their opinion. After several months of adjustments, I have left the prison of pain. I am no longer taking any prescription medication. I am working at rebuilding my strength and vitality. Contrary to popular medical opinion, I am delivered. Thank you for working as God’s ambassador to bring forth deliverance.”

"I truly feel Dr. Hawk has enriched my quality of life that I am so grateful."
- Laverne C.

“In April of 1996, I had to take medical disability from the American Red Cross where I had worked for 14 years as a Phebolist (taking pints of blood all day). I loved working with the donors. As a nurse, I probably changed my gloves 10-20 times a day. I chose the powdered ones as they were easier to get on and off. After so many years, I developed COPD (a chronic lung disease). I caught colds, developed asthma, allergies, and pneumonia very easily. Finally, in 1996, I got so sick with lung congestion that I was unable to work and I coughed day and night, and took medical retirement or disability. They later (the doctor) stated that the powder in the gloves agitated the already small lung damage from smoking (I quit in 1979). I was put on a machine in my home called a nebulizer with medication insert in the machine which helped me to breathe; at this time I was unable to walk from our living room to the kitchen in our small house. It took all my strength just to breathe. In between treatments, I used my inhaler, and I was on antibiotics and a medicine called Singular. So gradually in time I got better and my breathing and strength improved, but I was left with a raspy chronic cough and would use the nebulizer, inhaler, and continued medication, Singular, on a daily basis for years. One day in January 2002, I was urged by my inner self (or a higher source) to go to church that day which was a Thursday and we have pot luck supper, bible study, and choir practice on that day. The feeling persisted all day, and finally I said, “Ok, Ok, God, you win, I’ll go.”. So I fixed several dishes and off to Trinity Methodist Church at North Garden. I went and got there early and 3 friends leaning on the kitchen counter talking and one lady said, “Laverne, you may be interested in this.”. So I listened and they were talking about this Dr. Hawk, a chiropractor, who worked with people who had asthma. I was totally surprised as my asthma and allergies had gotten worse as I aged and would often have to take water into the choir with me when I sang, and I would have a coughing spell and would use my inhaler that I carried everywhere with me. So when the ladies said asthma my ears perked up. One of the ladies’ daughters had a $125 gift certificate for a scan, so after church that night I stopped by Bonnie’s house and got the certificate and called the very next day for a scan and a consultation. I thought there was an immediate connection on my part when I met Dr. Hawk, but he has a way to make you feel at ease right away. I felt better after the very first treatment; less tight across the shoulders and back. After a few treatments about twice a week, Dr. Hawk suggested a wellness plan where you pay a certain amount and you come as often as he has office hours. He told me at the first meeting that it would not be a short term fix and that it would require treatments often, and so I went on ‘the plan’. I started to feel really well; by the end of January and early February, I was off the nebulizer, inhaler, and taking no medication. Dr. Hawk at no time told me to go off my meds but I consulted with my medical doctor, and with his permission went off everything and he told me to use them as I needed them. As to this date in April I only use Clairitin, the allergy med that I use only as pollen dictates. The people in our choir and family and church family have noticed how clear my voice sounds. No raspy-ness in the throat area, no coughing during the sermon anymore, no more late night prolonged coughing spells in the middle of the night trying to catch my breath, no panic attacks if my inhaler isn’t in right. I truly feel Dr. Hawk has enriched my quality of life that I am so grateful. I can work in the yard flowers without a mask for the first time in years. I have longer endurance while I am working (with anything) inside or out. I now have extra joy in my life and look forward to getting back in the full swing of things (as I love dancing too, and haven’t had the breath for dance in years (that’s my next goal)). So with Dr. Hawk’s healing hands and God’s grace I’ll get there. I though as so many others, that a chiropractor was just for jigging your back or spinal disorders, or bones, and pinched nerves, but I found it’s hard to limit Dr. Hawk’s healing to just one area of our body that he helped me to heal mentally, physically, and spiritually.”

"Your healing hands have been a blessing to many."
- Krista D.

“Thank you so much for your large, generous heart towards missionaries – local and foreign. Your healing hands have been a blessing to many. Personally, I am beginning to see my body straighten out. I never thought it would happen. Removing the curvature was not even a dream, but God is healing me through the use of your skills. I am thankful!

I wish we had time to get reports from others who have been blessed, but just know that I speak for the many you have manipulated. May God continue to bless you and your family.”